Circular Economy: Re-design, Re-use, Re-cycle

Nicole Lummis
July 22, 2024

This SUSTx 2022 session brings together leaders from Volvo, KTN and The Centre for Sustainable Design, to discuss circular economies.

The expert on circular economies

In business, a circular economy is an approach where all materials have value and nothing is wasted. In this session, SUSTx 2022 brings together three experts to discuss using circular economy principles in your organisation. Experts include:

  • Emma McKenna, Head of Net-Zero, KTN
  • Professor Martin Charter, Director, Centre for Sustainable Design
  • Owain Griffiths, Head of Circular Economy, Volvo Cars

Circular economy - re-design, re-use, re-cycle

The session covers the following topics on implementing a circular economy:

  • How to establish a long-term plan for life: From design to recycle
  • Building new circular systems with other value chain actors; collaboration and engagement
  • How moving to a circular economy is already adding value to the UK and how the best is yet to come (net gain Gross Value Added of £9.1bn and 517,000 jobs by 2030)


Watch the full session below.