Energy Day - Our headline round-up #COP27

Nicole Lummis
October 1, 2024

Yesterday was the highly important Energy Day at #Cop27. Check out our headline round up for all the latest news you don't want to miss out on!

1. Limit of 1.5C global heating is at risk, Alok Sharma warns at Cop27

Alok Sharma, the former UK cabinet minister who presided over the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow last year, has warned delegates at Cop27 that the possibility of limiting global heating to no more than 1.5C may be at risk.

2. World Bank Group Launches Global Shield Financing Facility to Help Developing Countries Adapt to Climate Change

The World Bank Group has announced a Global Shield Financing Facility to help developing countries access more financing for recovery from natural disasters and climate shocks.

3. Over 100 more fossil fuel lobbyists than last year, flooding crucial COP climate talks

More fossil fuel lobbyists than representatives of the ten nations most impacted by the climate crisis registered to attend COP27.

4. ISO release net-zero guidelines: ‘Voluntarism isn’t enough’

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has launched net-zero guidelines at COP27.

5. Rich nations offer Indonesia $20bn to wean it off coal

Wealthy nations led by the US and Japan have offered Indonesia a $20bn package to help pay for the coal-dependent country’s shift to renewable energy as world leaders attempt to lure developing economies away from fossil fuels.

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